Let us help you take control of your finances

Discover how we can help you get your finances back on track.


Discover how we can help

It's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when you're having financial difficulties. No matter your circumstances, there are still options you can take to get back on track. Watch our video animation to find out how we can help.

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We'll work out a payment plan you can afford

When threatening letters appear and phone calls from private numbers won’t relent, it’s easy to stick your head in the sand.  Taking your time to act can result in a bad credit rating, so take action today!

Our friendly and experienced staff can help you get on top of your debts fast.  We’ll step in on your behalf and work out a payment arrangement with them that you can afford.

We’ll make sure that everyone’s happy – your creditors get paid, and you have money left over each month.

INFORMAL debt Agreement

Stop creditors from chasing you

With an informal agreement, we’ll contact your creditors and work out a debt repayment amount that suits the both of you.

Interest, fees and charges can be frozen for a set period of time, making it a great way to take control of your finances before it’s too late.

With more serious debt agreements or bankruptcy, you’ll have trouble getting credit for 5 years or more because your credit file will be damaged.

Whilst it’s ‘informal’, it’s still drawn up by solicitors. This makes sure your creditors can’t go back on it once it’s signed.


A way forward when your situation looks bleak

If your finances are in a mess, you’ve got defaults and are starting to get threatening letters from creditors, it could be time for a Formal Debt Agreement.

It’s no small matter, as it’s an ‘act of bankruptcy’, but it will stop things getting worse and give you an opportunity to start reducing your debt.

By setting up a Formal Debt Agreement with your creditors, we can negotiate a repayment amount that you can handle and also reduce the overall debt that you have to repay at the same time.

It’s a great alternative to bankruptcy.

personal Insolvency agreement

We’ll help you save your business

Sometimes people incur large amounts of personal debt due to cash-flow issues or bad debtors in their business. And sometimes it’s just due to poor use of credit when times are good.

But when you can’t afford to keep up with your personal debts, you’re putting your business at risk as well. If you owe more than $140,000 and need help, then get in touch with us before it’s too late.

Whilst a ‘PIA’ is still an act of Bankruptcy, it doesn’t carry the same restrictions on your lifestyle as a bankruptcy does. It’s only on your file for 5 years, and has no restrictions on earnings or travel.

It’s simply a formal agreement between you and your creditors to pay out your debts.

bankruptcy proceedings

Bankruptcy is no small matter, but it’s not the end of the world

Bankruptcy happens to all sorts of people and for many different reasons. Whether you’ve been good at managing your finances or not, filing for bankruptcy is not an offence, and it can help you make the best of a bad situation.

Bankruptcy immediately stops all creditors from calling you for payment, and it’s usually very fast. After filing for bankruptcy, your Trustee will notify your creditors (both secured and unsecured) within a few days of filing, and you’ll no longer be responsible for payment. Your Trustee will then handle all communication with creditors and oversee your financial affairs for the 3 year period that you’ll be declared Bankrupt.

Bankruptcy could be less costly and may be the best option, depending on your overall circumstances. Lodging a bankruptcy form is free and may be the best option for a fresh start. Our team is committed to guiding you through the advantages and disadvantages of bankruptcy and providing guidance throughout the process.